MML promotes news, events, and conferences of interest to its members. In addition, the MML publishes a magazine, pamphlets, and technical briefs to assist its member cities and their officials in performing their duties. There also links to other publications of interest to municipal officials.

Deadlines Approaching for Solid Waste Assistance Grants

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Deadlines for Mississippi local governments to apply for MDEQ’s competitive and non-competitive solid waste assistance grants are April 1 (for competitive grants) and April 30 (for non-competitive grants to county governments). The competitive grant funds are available for municipalities, counties, regional solid waste management authorities, and other multi-county entities. MDEQ awarded over $775,000 in competitive grants during the October 2019 fall grant cycle. Applications for noncompetitive grant funds are available for counties only for an annual allocated amount based on the county's state aid road mileage formula.
The MDEQ solid waste grants may be used for various types of solid waste projects and programs including clean-up of unauthorized dumps; establishment of a collection programs for white goods or other bulky wastes; support for recycling and waste reduction programs, public education campaigns on solid waste and recycling; salary support for local solid waste enforcement officers; and, household hazardous waste collection programs. For more information or to request a grant application, interested local governments should contact Taaka Scott Bailey or Tonisha Rogers at 601-961-5171.