MML promotes news, events, and conferences of interest to its members. In addition, the MML publishes a magazine, pamphlets, and technical briefs to assist its member cities and their officials in performing their duties. There also links to other publications of interest to municipal officials.

Destination Downtown 2019 - 3 CMO Elective Credits

Main Site Content
September 11 - 13, 2019
Columbia Theatre for the Performing Arts
220 East Thomas Street
Hammond, LA 70401
Destination Downtown is a regional conference sponsored by Louisiana Main Street, Mississippi Main Street Association and Main Street Arkansas, attracting more than 200 professionals in preservation-based commercial district revitalization, including new and experienced downtown and neighborhood Main Street directors, board members, architects, planners, economic development professionals, public officials, volunteers and consultants. Attendees hail from communities of all sizes, from small rural towns to neighborhood commercial districts in larger cities across the states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Arkansas.
Click here for full details and registration information!
MML members will receive 3 CMO elective credits for attending!