MML promotes news, events, and conferences of interest to its members. In addition, the MML publishes a magazine, pamphlets, and technical briefs to assist its member cities and their officials in performing their duties. There also links to other publications of interest to municipal officials.

National Civic League’s 2022 All-America City Awards

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The National Civic League is now accepting applications for the 2022 All-America City Award. The 2022 All-America City Awards are being co-convened with the Campaign for Grade-Level reading and will focus on Housing as a Platform for Early School Success and Equitable Learning Recovery.
During the past 18 months, the closure of schools, early childhood programs and child care centers in response to COVID-19 was a significant setback for all children’s early school success. Public housing and affordable housing programs are high-potential platforms for regaining momentum for early school success and for accelerating equitable learning recovery.
Begin your community’s application today to become a 2022 All-America City!
Cities, counties, towns and tribes can submit a letter of intent by January 10th to receive $100 off of their application fee. Applications are due March 1st. Leaders from local government, schools, nonprofits, community foundations, libraries, chambers of commerce and youth have all led their communities to win the All-America City Award.
Unlike any other event, the All-America City Experience provides participants with lasting connections with community members and peers across the country, in-depth learning opportunities, and fun, energizing events!