MML is the Official Non-Profit private organization of Cities and Towns of Mississippi. The MML lobbies the state and federal legislatures, provides education for municipal elected officials, provides technical support, represents municipalities with public and private entities, and is a networking media for municipal members.
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Mississippi Municipalities

MML News
2nd Annual MSSCAUG Conference
Registration Now Open for the 2nd Annual MSSCAUG Conference!
Join us for our highly anticipated 2-day event on February 5th & 6th, 2025, at the MS811 Pearl, MS!
CMO Opportunity: Spring 2025 CMO Night Classes
In conjunction with the MS State University Extension Service Center for Government & Community Development, MML is excited to announce the upcoming CMO opportunity that will be traveling to a location near you this spring!
The class, "Workplace Harassment”, will be held at night and will include dinner, allowing an alternative time frame to receive CMO credits for those who have day-time duties that prohibit them from attending some of our other CMO opportunities that are usually held primarily during the day.
MML members will receive three CMO elective credits for attending any one of these classes.
Please see the attached registration form for details including registration deadlines, fees, and locations where the class will be offered.
MS Recreation and Park Association 2025 Conference
MRPA 2025 Conference
February 10-13, 2025
Natchez Convention Center- Natchez, MS
MML members will receive 2 CMO elective credits for attending.
CMO Opportunity: CyberSecure Mississippi
📢 Attention Mississippi Business Owners!
Did you know 60% of small businesses close within 6 months of being hacked? Protect your business and join us for CyberSecure Mississippi! 🚨
📅 January 17, 2025
🕒 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM
📍 Sheraton Refuge Conference Center, Flowood, MS
This FREE event includes a Cybersecurity Binder 📂 and LUNCH 🍴! Learn about:
🔒 Basic Cybersecurity Awareness
🛡️ System Security Plans
📜 Cyber Policies
📚 Cyber Resources
💻 Managed Service Providers
⚠️ Incident Response
👩💼 This is for business owners, not just the "tech guy"! MML members will receive 2 CMO elective credits for attending.
👉 Register now:
This event is sponsored by the Small Business Administration and the Mississippi State University Center for Cyber Education. Contact Shelly Hollis at MSU CCE for more details:
2024 Destination Downtown
Sept. 11-13: Destination Downtown in Vicksburg
An official MS Main Street Event
A partnership among Mississippi Main Street Association, Main Street Arkansas, and Louisiana Main Street, Destination Downtown is the South’s premier downtown revitalization conference.
Three days packed with educational tours, dynamic sessions on the Main Street Approach, and a 40th celebration of Mississippi Main Street, Main Street Arkansas, Louisiana Main Street, and Vicksburg Main Street.
Destination Downtown is open to anyone with an interest in the economic revitalization of historic downtown commercial districts and is designed so that attendees learn from their colleagues as well as from experts in the field. The conference attracts Main Street executive directors, board members, city officials, merchants, property owners and others who gather to share ideas on building sustainable downtown communities.
$175 – general registration through Aug. 30
$100 – one day registration
$200 – on site registration
MML members will receive 3 CMO Elective Credits for attending.
MS Damage Prevention Summit - CMO Opportunity
Attend MS 811's Damage Prevention Summit at the IP Casino and Resort in Biloxi on November 6 - 8, 2024.
Attendees will receive 2 CMO elective credits for attending. Just let Lakieshia Nelson know you attended to receive your credit!
2024 MML/PDD Legislative Planning Meetings
MML members will receive 3 CMO elective credits for attending any one of the 2024 Regional Legislative Planning Meetings. 1 additional CMO elective credit will be given if the MML member brings his/her legislator to the meeting.
Please RSVP to Karley Williams if you plan on attending the meeting.
CMO Opportunity: Fall 2024 CMO Night Classes
In conjunction with the MS State University Extension Service Center for Government & Community Development, MML is excited to announce the upcoming CMO opportunity that will be traveling to a location near you this spring!
The class, "Last 6 Months in Office & Understanding Financial Statements”, will be held at night and will include dinner, allowing an alternative time frame to receive CMO credits for those who have day-time duties that prohibit them from attending some of our other CMO opportunities that are usually held primarily during the day.
MML members will receive three CMO elective credits for attending any one of these classes.
Please see the attached registration form for details including registration deadlines, fees, and locations where the class will be offered.
CMO Opportunity: MS Damage Prevention Summit
Attend the 2024 Mississippi Damage Prevention Summit November 6 - 8, 2024, in Biloxi to earn 2 CMO elective credits!
CMO Opportunity: Rural Placemaking Summit
The Community Foundation for Mississippi is hosting a Rural Placemaking Summit on August 1st in McComb, MS.
It is our goal to use the conference to equip rural elected officials and municipal leaders with the tools and resources they need to use placemaking techniques in their communities.
The conference sessions will include everything from walkability/bike trails to historical preservation/repurposing spaces, building age-friendly & intergenerational communities, examples of successful cross-sector partnerships for placemaking, tourism and public art, placemaking on a budget, and sessions connecting attendees to multiple funding sources for placemaking.
The audience will be primarily municipal leaders, community and economic development professionals as well as nonprofit organizations, urban planners and anyone looking for affordable techniques to better their communities in MS. It is our goal that each session will offer not just inspiration but tangible, practical application to ensure that leaders implement these changes in their cities and towns.
MML members will receive 2 CMO credits for attending.
93rd Annual Conference Press Release Template
Click here for a 93rd Annual Conference press release template for conference attendees!
CMO Opportunity: MS Insurance Department Extreme Wind Event
This is a collaboration of city and county officials, insurance company representatives, insurance regulators, emergency responders, leaders in building codes and resiliency and the insurance industry’s leading catastrophe modelers and others. We’ll hear from celebrity storm chasers and other leaders in the field of extreme weather. If you’re a city leader, do you know what to expect if your city or town is impacted by extreme weather? What happens first? Who do you rely on? What tools do you need to respond and help your city recover? Do you understand the various roles and responsibilities of private and government response groups and how they work together? Do you understand how you can help yourself prepare and do you understand what responders need from you, to help you with a quick recovery?
Get answers to all of those questions and learn how insurance companies respond, what technology they use and what they need from you as a city leader, to help you recover. The time to learn all of this is not after an extreme weather event strikes, but now. Join us and insurance regulators from around the southeastern US for this informative 2 day seminar as we strike partnerships that will benefit the public in how we all respond to future events.
To register, please click here.
MML members will receive 2 CMO credits for attending. Contact Lakieshia Nelson to let her know you attended.
MML Webinar: How Not to Become Cyber Famous - CMO Opportunity
Cost to attend is $25, and MML members will receive 3 CMO elective credits for attending.
MML Webinar: Municipal Government & Social Media - CMO Opportunity
MML Webinar: Municipal Government & Social Media: Tips to Protect Yourself and Your Municipality from First Amendment Liability
CMO Opportunity - "Why Place Matters" Main Street Design Training
"Why Place Matters"
Main Street Design Training
March 7-8, 2024
GumTree Museum of Art
211 West Main Street | Tupelo, MS
MML Members will receive 2 CMO elective credits for attending.
CMO Opportunity: MS Urban Forestry Council Annual Conference
Register today for the MS Urban Forestry Council Annual Conference "Managing Trees After a Massive Drought"
May 22, 2024
9am - 5pm
MS Agriculture and Forestry Museum
Ethnic Building - Jackson, MS
2 CMO Elective Credits will be awarded to MML members for attending.
Mississippians are facing a huge challenge of how to manage, place value and replace massive amounts of dead trees and community canopies. Learn about many factors related to this situation including; identifying a dead tree, what trees to remove, pruning, who to call, removal process, value of your lost trees, insurance, food forests, mitigation of lost trees, replacement trees and much more. This is an important meeting for anyone having to manage trees, municipalities, land owners, business, and home owners.
For more info contact Donna Yowell (601) 672-0755
Download the attached flyer for registration information.
CMO Opportunity: Spring 2024 CMO Night Classes
In conjunction with the MS State University Extension Service Center for Government & Community Development, MML is excited to announce the upcoming CMO opportunity that will be traveling to a location near you this spring!
The class, "Exploring Common Municipal Laws”, will be held at night and will include dinner, allowing an alternative time frame to receive CMO credits for those who have day-time duties that prohibit them from attending some of our other CMO opportunities that are usually held primarily during the day.
MML members will receive three CMO elective credits for attending any one of these classes.
Please see the attached registration form for details including registration deadlines, fees, and locations where the class will be offered.
CMO Opportunity: Grant Writing Workshop
Grant Writing Training in Jackson, MS - March 11-12, 2024
2 CMO Elective Credits |
Hinds County Sheriff's Office and Grant Writing USA will present a two-day grant writing workshop in Jackson, MS - March 11-12, 2024. This training is for grant seekers across all disciplines. Attend this class and you'll learn how to find the funding sources and write winning grant proposals. Beginning and experienced grant writers from city, county and state agencies as well as healthcare organizations, nonprofits, K-12, colleges and universities are encouraged to attend. Tuition is normally $495, however, Mississippi Municipal League members and their staff will receive a $30 discount with the code "ASSN". Pricing includes two days of terrific instruction, workbook, and access to our Alumni Forum that's packed full of tools, helpful discussions and sample grant proposals. If you prefer friendly personal service, Janet Darling |
2024 Mississippi Municipal Excellence Awards
The Mississippi Municipal League Excellence Awards program recognizes cities and towns for meeting the challenges of municipal government through innovative problem solving, excellence in management, citizen participation and striving to provide a higher level of service. Each year, awards are given in the areas of public safety, planning and economic development and city spirit. Winners are chosen by a committee of judges outside of the MML and are recognized at the MML Annual Conference.
CMO Opportunity: Mississippi Alliance of Nonprofits and Philanthropy Water Equity, Disaster Recovery, and Community Resilience Preconference Event
Mississippi Alliance of Nonprofits and Philanthropy Water Equity, Disaster Recovery, and Community Resilience Preconference Event
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Jackson Convention Complex
105 E Pascagoula Street
Jackson, MS 39201
Registration: Free, but space is limited
Breakfast and lunch included.
This Mississippi Alliance of Nonprofits and Philanthropy Water Equity, Disaster Recovery, and Community Resilience preconfernece event will feature workshops from leading nonprofit and philanthropic leaders from across the country and include a keynote from General Russel Honore´, a decorated 37-year army veteran, a global authority on leadership, and an expert on climate change and disaster preparedness.
Registration is free, but space is limited to 100 participants. Breakfast and lunch are included with registration. For more information, contact Jamie Raspberry at or (601) 968-0061.
MML members will receive 2 CMO elective credits for attending. Let Lakieshia Nelson know if you attend this event at
CMO Opportunity: Mississippi Communities Health Advisers Webinar
Learn more about this new MML member service before open enrollment begins on November 1st!
MML members will receive 3 CMO elective credits for attending.
CMO Opportunity: Rail Nation - Meridian
Join the Southern Rail Commission in historic Meridian, Mississippi from October 6 - October 8 for the Rail Passengers Association's 2023 Fall Advocacy Symposium.
Explore the past, present, and future of passenger rail advocacy with representatives from Amtrak, the Federal Railroad Administration, and the Southern Rail Commission and elected officials.
MML members will receive 2 CMO elective credits for attending.
Fall Broadband Vendor Showcase and ISP Workshop
Learn what your city or town should do to prepare for the deployment of broadband to unserved areas of our state.
MML members will receive 2 CMO elective credits for attending.
September 14, 2023
1:00 p.m - 2:30 p.m
Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC) offers states, local governments, and institutional facilities
the opportunity to finance energy efficiency investments by leveraging the energy, water and operational
cost savings that projects achieve over time. Facilities such as state and municipal buildings, universities, K-12
schools and hospitals, as well as highway, street and parking lot lighting, are particularly well suited to these
investments. This workshop gathers stakeholders interested in leveraging ESPC to finance energy projects
throughout Mississippi, provide an overview of how to apply this financing mechanism, and allow participants
to hear directly from facility managers who have implemented these projects in the state.
MML members will receive 2 CMO elective credits for attending.
CMO Opportunity: Fall 2023 CMO Evening Classes
In conjunction with the MS State University Extension Service Center for Government & Community Development, MML is excited to announce the upcoming CMO opportunity that will be traveling to a location near you this fall!
The class, "FAQ in Municipal Government”, will be held at night and will include dinner, allowing an alternative time frame to receive CMO credits for those who have day-time duties that prohibit them from attending some of our other CMO opportunities that are usually held primarily during the day.
This session will focus on answering common questions municipal government leaders have regarding state law. The session will also highlight commonly overlooked resources available to find answers to common questions.
MML members will receive three CMO elective credits for attending any one of these classes.
Please see the attached registration form for details including registration deadlines, fees, and locations that the class will be offered.
2023 Destination Downtown - CMO Opportunity
You're invited to the Destination Downtown Conference!
The conference is for anyone who is interested in revitalizing their historic downtowns or historic neighborhood commercial districts. It is sponsored by Louisiana Main Street, Mississippi Main Street Association, and Main Street Arkansas. Attendees will travel from across Louisiana, Mississippi, and Arkansas for the conference.
The conference rotates between the three states. This year is Louisiana’s turn to host. The host cities are Monroe/West Monroe and the dates of the conference are September 13-15.
MML members will receive 3 CMO elective credits for attending.
CMO Opportunity: FEMA Just in Time Recovery Management Training
Save The Date for virtual Just-In-Time (JIT) Recovery Management Training Peer-to-Peer workshop panels. FEMA in partnership with the Mississippi Municipal League will host the interactive peer-to-peer workshop panel August 15, 2023. The workshop will provide actions for local officials and leaders with some of the topics including:
• Disaster Financial Management
• Managing Data and Information
• Procurement Disaster Assistance Team (PDAT)
Members will receive 3 CMO elective credits for attending.
2023 MML/PDD Legislative Planning Meetings
MML members will receive 3 CMO elective credits for attending any one of the 2023 Regional Legislative Planning Meetings. 1 additional CMO elective credit will be given if the MML member brings his/her legislator to the meeting.
Please RSVP to Karley Williams if you plan on attending the meeting.
Spring 2023 CMO Night Classes
In conjunction with the MS State University Extension Service Center for Government & Community Development, MML is excited to announce the upcoming CMO opportunity that will be traveling to a location near you this fall!
The class, "FEMA ICS 402: Incident Command Overview for Elected Officials”, will be held at night and will include dinner, allowing an alternative time frame to receive CMO credits for those who have day-time duties that prohibit them from attending some of our other CMO opportunities that are usually held primarily during the day.
MML members will receive three CMO elective credits for attending any one of these classes.
Please see the attached registration form for details including registration deadlines, fees, and locations that the class will be offered.
State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities December 2022
These funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
2025 Mississippi Municipal Excellence Awards
The Mississippi Municipal League Excellence Awards program recognizes cities and towns for meeting the challenges of municipal government through innovative problem solving, excellence in management, citizen participation and striving to provide a higher level of service. Each year, awards are given in the areas of Public Safety, Economic Development & Infrastructure, City Spirit, Community Health, and Youth in Action. Winners are chosen by a committee of judges outside of the MML and are recognized at the MML Annual Conference.
State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities October 2022
These funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities September 2022
21 funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
CMO Opportunity: Lead in Drinking Water Forum
The University of Mississippi and the Southern Rural Development Center are hosting a Lead in Drinking Water Forum at Eagle Ridge Conference Center on October 5, 2022. Food will be provided. We will be engaging in discussions to explore the issues arising across the state and identify possible policy solutions. You can register by clicking here.
MML members will receive 2 CMO elective credits for attending.
CMO Opportunity: MML & BCI Webinar
Join MML and BCI on September 13th at 10am for a webinar!
Cybercrime costs have increased at an alarming rate in the past two years. Hardly a week goes by without news of another major data breach, ransomware blackmail story, or cyberattack making front-page news. Most analysts predict that attacks will continue to increase in frequency, damage, and complexity with costs from consumer litigation, compliance requirements, and incident response expected to rise as a result. Implement managed security services powered by BCI and discover the true value of working with an established, proven, and trusted cybersecurity MSSP.
This webinar is sponsored by Business Communications, Inc.
MML members will receive 3 CMO elective credits for attending.
Registration is $25.
CMO Opportunity: 2022 True South Basic Economic Development Course
This is an introductory course exposing participants to the fundamentals and practice of creating jobs, increasing wealth, improving the tax base and enhancing a community’s quality-of-life, and the first step in pursuing professional certification.
The True South Basic Economic Development Course is designed for community leaders and stakeholders who participate in the process of community economic development.
Typical conference attendees include:
- chamber of commerce, economic, and community development organization professionals;
- elected and appointed officials (recieve 4 CMO credits);
- government agency staff;
- community planners;
- utility personnel;
- bankers;
- business leaders;
- real estate brokers and developers;
- community volunteers and;
- students enrolled in the Masters of Economic Development program.
September 19 - 22, 2022, The University of Southern Mississippi Trent Lott National Center. This is an all day course starting at 8 a.m. and running through 5 p.m. each day.
The four-day course is $650 or can be taken for graduate credit through the Southern Miss Master of Science in Economic Development program. Early-bird registration is $600 if registered and paid before July 15. The registration fee covers course materials, instruction, selected meals and refreshment breaks. It does not cover hotel and other travel expenses.
Scholarships are available. Contact for more information regarding scholarships or visit the scholarship page to apply.
MML members who attend will receive 4 CMO elective credits. Click here for full details and download the attached flyer.
Fall 2022 CMO Evening Classes
In conjunction with the MS State University Extension Service Center for Government & Community Development, MML is excited to announce the upcoming CMO opportunity that will be traveling to a location near you this fall!
The class, "Technology in Government focusing on Cybersecurity”, will be held at night and will include dinner, allowing an alternative time frame to receive CMO credits for those who have day-time duties that prohibit them from attending some of our other CMO opportunities that are usually held primarily during the day.
MML members will receive three CMO elective credits for attending any one of these classes.
Please see the attached registration form for details including registration deadlines, fees, and locations that the class will be offered.
Due to COVID, the Hattiesburg class will be capped at 40, so register quickly to reserve your spot!
2022 Legislative Planning Meetings
Mississippi Law Enforcement Symposium - In Real Time - CMO Opportunity
You're invited to attend the Mississippi Law Enforcement Symposium - In Real Time on July 20th in Tunica, MS.
This free training will be a great asset to attend as it covers lifesaving information in regard to mass shootings and the safe school initiative.
Lunch shall be provided by MS Office of Homeland Security. We kindly ask that attendees register by clicking here, so that we can give a count to MOHS or by emailing Shontina Reed at
MML members will receive 2 CMO elective credits for attending. Please let the MML office know if you attend this event.
View the attached flyer for full details!
2022 MACE Annual Conference
Join the MS Association of Code Enforcement August 10 -12, 2022 in D'Iberville for the 2022 Educational Training.
These classes address some of the biggest issues code enforcement officers face today. Being able to communicate effectively with citizens, having a game plan for your team’s success and protecting yourself when addressing animal issues.
For more information, visit our website at or our Facebook page, Mississippi Association of Code Enforcement!
You may also contact the following for more information:
Amy Heath (601) 606-0546
Kim Ratliff (662) 287-6718
CMO Opportunity: Empowering Communities for a Healthy Mississippi
Click here to register for this event. MML members will receive 2 CMO elective credits for attending. Please contact the MML office to let us know you attended.
Ropes and More - CMO Opportunity
Attend either one of these seminars hosted by the MS Board of Animal Health to receive 2 CMO Elective Credits.
Seminars will be offered in Columbus on October 13 and in Raymond on October 14.
Contact the MML office to let us know if you attend one of these workshops.
Click here for full registration details for the Columbus class.
Click here for full registration details for the Raymond class.
Main Street 101 Workshops - CMO Opportunity
Main Street 101 Workshops
prior to the Awards Luncheon
Thursday, June 16
8:30-11:00 a.m.
The Two Mississippi Museums
This year, the Mississippi Main Street Association is offering two workshops on June 16 from 8:30-11:00 a.m. at the Two Mississippi Museums before the Annual Awards Luncheon.
There will be a Main Street 101 for Board Members of local Main Street programs and a Main Street 101 for all Municipal Officials. Main Street members will receive one training credit, and municipal officials will receive 2 CMO credits for attending.
The cost of each workshop is $25 a person. We hope you will plan to stay and reserve a ticket (or table!) for the Annual Awards Luncheon at The South which will begin at 11:30 a.m. The South is located one mile from the Two Mississippi Museums. Please register by Friday, June 10th.
State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities May 2022
16 funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
CMO Opportunity: Community Connection Conference
CMO Opportunity: Community Connection Conference
Broadband and Technology Expansion
Learn from a panel of national experts the benefits of building a connected community and how to get started.
The conference will be held on May 18, 2022 at the Charlie Capps Entrepreneurial Center at the MSU Research Campus in Stoneville, Mississippi.
There is no fee to attend, but registration is required. Lunch is also being provided.
MML attendees will receive 2 CMO elective credits. Please contact the MML office to let us know you attended.
State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities April 2022
20 funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
CMO Opportunity: Introduction to Water Asset Management
No-Cost Training: 2022 Introduction to Water Asset Management for Mississippi Small Systems
May 12, 2022 | 8:00am - 4:00pm CDT | Raymond, MS
Central MS Research & Extension Center (1320 Seven Springs Rd, Raymond, MS 39154)
Register Online via the MTU Center for Technology & Training
This in-person workshop is designed for drinking water utility operators, managers, and board members based in Mississippi.
Many small utilities are faced with challenges, such as limited revenue and aging infrastructure, as they strive to meet the needs of their communities. Attendees will learn about the benefits and core components of water asset management and how they can begin creating an asset inventory and an actionable plan to improve the capacity and sustainability of their utility.
The main objectives of this training include:
>> Identifying the 5 core components of asset management.
>> Developing an inventory of utility components.
>> Identifying critical assets for sustained operations.
>> Making decisions about how to operate, maintain, repair, and replace those assets.
>> Setting goals for level of service at a sustainable cost.
This event takes place in Classroom 151 at the Central MS Research & Extension Center. Lunch is on your own from 12pm-1pm.
MML members will receive 2 CMO elective credits for attending.
Registration for this event closes on May 9th.
CMO Opportunity: Mosquito Control Webinar
Free Educational Webinar
Webinar | April 26, 2022 | 1 PM (CDT)
Abundant mosquito populations increase the risk of vector-borne diseases and nuisance biting in a community. It’s important to proactively manage mosquito populations before their numbers get out of hand to help prevent the transmission of diseases. Fortunately, Integrated Mosquito Management (IMM) programs exist to target mosquitoes at all stages of their lifecycle.
Join our experts as they discuss the many factors and strategies that influence a successful mosquito management program and get your questions answered during a live Q&A.
Free and open to the public. Spots are limited. Register today!
MML members will receive 2 CMO electives for attending this class. Please contact the MML office to let us know if you participate in the webinar.
State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities March 2022
21 funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
CMO Opportunity: MS Main Street - Economic Vitality
April 21-22: Economic Vitality Training in Greenville
An official MS Main Street Event
APRIL 21-22, 2022
Economic Vitality focuses on capital, incentives, and other economic and financial tools to assist new and existing businesses, catalyze property development, and create a supportive environment for entrepreneurs and innovators that drive local economies.
This training is appropriate for Main Street directors and board members, Economic Vitality committee members, city officials, economic development professionals, and others interested in business recruitment, retention, and development for downtowns.
The training will be held from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. on Friday, April 22 in the Mulberry Room at Hotel 27 in downtown Greenville.
An afternoon downtown tour, evening reception, and group dinner (must pre-register) will take place on Thursday, April 21 prior to the training.
MML members will receive 2 CMO elective credits for attending.
Click here for more information or download the flyer attached below.
CMO Opportunity: Financially Resilient Water and Wastewater Utilities Workshop for Small Systems: Finance, Rate Setting, and Long-Term Fiscal Planning
Financially Resilient Water and Wastewater Utilities Workshop for Small Systems: Finance, Rate Setting, and Long-Term Fiscal Planning
March 29, 2022 | 9:00am - 4:00pm CT | Starkville, MS
Bost Extension Center (190 Bost drive, Starkville, MS 39759), Building B - Theater
MML members will receive 2 CMO elective credits for attending.
MS Medicinal Marijuana
State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities February 2022
20 funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
CMO Opportunity: CROSSROADS - Meridian's Preservation Map for the 21st Century
CROSSROADS: Meridian's Preservation Map for the 21st Century
March 31 & April 1 - MSU Riley Center
Be a part of planning the future of Meridian! Attend the conference to hear nationally-known preservation experts, and help shape the way our city thinks about its past and its future.
Click here to learn more about the event.
Click here to register for the event.
MML members will receive 3 CMO elective credits for attending.
CMO Opportunity: Economic Leaders Forum
Economic Leaders Forum
Program's Mission:
To provide a relevant and timely applied learning opportunity for elected officials who are tasked with community and economic development responsibilities at the local level.
Who was this Program Designed to Help:
- Local Elected Official (Especially Newly Elected County Supervisors & Mayors)
- Economic Development Organizations (Staff & Board Members)
- Chamber of Commerce (Staff & Board Members)
- Main Street Programs (Staff & Board Members)
Continuing Education Hours:
MML members will receive 4 CMO Elective credits for attending any one of the training sessions.
Click here for full details and registration information.
Spring 2022 CMO Evening Classes
In conjunction with the MS State University Extension Service Center for Government & Community Development, MML is excited to announce the upcoming CMO opportunity that will be traveling to a location near you this spring!
The class, "Bringing Order to the Board Meeting-A Review of Roberts Rules of Order & Procedure Ordinances”, will be held at night and will include dinner, allowing an alternative time frame to receive CMO credits for those who have day-time duties that prohibit them from attending some of our other CMO opportunities that are usually held primarily during the day.
MML members will receive three CMO elective credits for attending any one of these classes.
Please see the attached registration form for details including registration deadlines, fees, and locations that the class will be offered.
Due to COVID, the classes will be capped at the following capacities, so register quickly to reserve your spot!
State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities January 2022
17 funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities December 2021
16 funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
CMO Opportunity: MS Mosquito and Vector Control Association Annual Meeting
Join the MS Mosquito & Vector Control Association's Annual Meeting in Starkville January 18 - 20, 2022. MML members are invited to attend and/all of the three day event, but the most relevant information for municipal officials will be presented on January 18th. There is a registration option to only attend that day.
Click here to view the agenda for January 18th.
Click here to view the agenda for January 19th - 20th.
Click here for registration information.
MML members who attend the January 18th sessions will receive 2 CMO elective credits.
State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities November 2021
24 funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
CMO Opportunity: MMSC 2022 Educational Programs
The Mississippi Municipal Service Company will be offering Advanced and Basic General Liability and Workers’ Compensation workshops in the spring of 2022. These workshops are approved for CMO and MMC credit hours and will provide city leaders and elected officials with important information and knowledge in dealing with the complex issues surrounding General Liability and Workers’ Compensation cases presented against your city.
Register ONLINE at
Download attached flyer for full details.
National Civic League’s 2022 All-America City Awards
The National Civic League is now accepting applications for the 2022 All-America City Award. The 2022 All-America City Awards are being co-convened with the Campaign for Grade-Level reading and will focus on Housing as a Platform for Early School Success and Equitable Learning Recovery.
During the past 18 months, the closure of schools, early childhood programs and child care centers in response to COVID-19 was a significant setback for all children’s early school success. Public housing and affordable housing programs are high-potential platforms for regaining momentum for early school success and for accelerating equitable learning recovery.
Begin your community’s application today to become a 2022 All-America City!
Cities, counties, towns and tribes can submit a letter of intent by January 10th to receive $100 off of their application fee. Applications are due March 1st. Leaders from local government, schools, nonprofits, community foundations, libraries, chambers of commerce and youth have all led their communities to win the All-America City Award.
Unlike any other event, the All-America City Experience provides participants with lasting connections with community members and peers across the country, in-depth learning opportunities, and fun, energizing events!
MS Infrastructure Modernization Act Paperwork Due November 15, 2021
This is a reminder that November 15, 2021, is the deadline to submit your Actual Expenditure Form for the Mississippi Infrastructure Modernization program. The form is linked below, and you will notice there are two tabs at the bottom. You only need to complete the Actual Expenditure Form this year unless you have not been participating in prior years.
The form should be submitted by November 15, 2021, to if you have questions, you should contact Veronica Smith at 601-923-7015.
State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities October 2021
26 funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
CMO Opportunity: MS 811 Damage Prevention Summit
Join MS 811 for a Damage Prevention Summit on November 3 - 5, 2021, at the IP Casino & Resort in Biloxi.
For more information call 501-548-6363, email or visit
MML members will receive 2 CMO credits for attending. Please contact the MML office after the event to let us know you attended.
State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities September 2021
25 funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
CMO Opportunity: WEF/CDC Virtual Training
The Water Environment Federation (WEF), with support from the US Centers for Disease Control, would like to invite you to attend a free, grant-funded virtual Cross-Sector Awareness Training for Preventing and Controlling Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Disease Threats with a focus on understanding the National Wastewater Surveillance System.
Training will be held via Zoom on September 29, 2021 from 12:30 to 2:00 (Central Daylight Time)
MML members will receive 2 CMO elective credits for attending this free virtual event. Contact the MML office to let us know you attended this training.
CMO Opportunity: 2020 Census Town Hall
Fall 2021 CMO Evening Classes
In conjunction with the MS State University Extension Service Center for Government & Community Development, MML is excited to announce the upcoming CMO opportunity that will be traveling to a location near you this spring!
The class, "Public Meetings-Complying with the Law”, will be held at night and will include dinner, allowing an alternative time frame to receive CMO credits for those who have day-time duties that prohibit them from attending some of our other CMO opportunities that are usually held primarily during the day.
MML members will receive three CMO elective credits for attending any one of these classes.
Please see the attached registration form for details including registration deadlines, fees, and locations that the class will be offered.
State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities August 2021
19 funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
2021 MML / PDD Regional Legislative Planning Meetings
The Mississippi Municipal League is once again teaming up with the PDD offices across the state to host a series of legislative planning meetings this fall.
Please note that some meetings have gone virtual. You must pre-register for these virtual meetings using the links on the attached document above in order to receive the invitation.
State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities July 2021
8 funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
American Rescue Plan Act Webinar
On July 15, 2021, MML held a webinar with DFA and attorneys at Butler Snow discussing the American Rescue Plan and the portal municipalities must use to request funds.
Click the link below to view the webinar.
Meeting Recording:
Download the attachment below to view the presentation given by Butler Snow LLP regarding the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding during the July 15th webinar.
CMO Opportunity: MS Main Street - Destination Downtown
You're invited to attend Mississippi Main Street's Destination Downtown event in Starkville, MS on September 15 - 17, 2021, at The Mill Conference Center in Starkville, MS. The conference theme is the "Power of Place."
Destination Downtown, a partnership between the Mississippi Main Street Association, Main Street Arkansas, and Louisiana Main Street, is the South’s premier downtown revitalization conference with Main Street executive directors, board members, city officials, merchants, property owners and others gathering to share ideas on building sustainable downtown communities. This conference has been held annually for more than 15 years and rotates states and Main Street communities where it is hosted each year.
The conference is open to anyone with an interest in the economic revitalization of historic commercial districts through a historic preservation approach. Destination Downtown is designed so that attendees learn from their colleagues as well as from experts in the field.
Early-bird registration will open on July 1, 2021. MML members will receive 2 CMO Elective Credits for attending.
New this year, we are hosting an Elected Officials’ Panel Discussion that will allow you to hear directly from Mississippi mayors who have experienced success in their respective communities by working with their local Main Street programs. We invite you and your local council members to register for the conference and attend this event on Thursday, September 16 at 10:30 a.m.
To view the agenda and register for Destination Downtown, please visit our conference website at General registration is open through Friday, Sept. 3.
Health Coaching Cancer Survivorship Program Available to Mississippians
Sign up for Pack Health today to start receiving compassionate, one-to-one health coaching by phone, text, or email, and free resources and strategies to help you focus on overall health after cancer therapy. Space is limited. Sign up by visiting or calling (855) 375-5715.
The program is available free thanks to The Mississippi Comprehensive Cancer Control Program: Mississippi State Department of Health ( To be eligible for this program, persons must be Mississippi residents and have finished primary cancer treatment and/or are continuing long-term maintenance therapy. If you are newly diagnosed, please visit American Cancer Society Patients | Pack Health for resources. If you have already signed up for this program, please disregard this message and consider sharing your experience with others who could benefit from this program.
State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities June 2021
10 funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
Newly Elected Officials Orientation Video
In normal municipal election years, MML will host in-person orientation events to introduce newly elected officials to the programs and services MML offers. Due to COVID-19 restrictions and concerns, we decided to put together a video for the newly elected officials instead that will allow them to watch at their leisure and not have to travel.
In this video newly elected officials will learn about MML as well as hear from some other organizations and state agencies that work with municipalities. The video includes some tips and suggestions for their first board meeting and provides contacts for some offices that can help them as they navigate their new position.
Because we do not have contact information for the newly elected officials yet, please send them this link so they can watch the video.
In addition to the video linked above, we have created an interactive Table of Contents to take you directly to each section of the video. Click here to view the Table of Contents!
2021 Directory Survey
The MML has sent out copies of the 2021 Directory Survey to all clerks across the state in order to collect updated personnel information after the recent municipal elections. Please download the attachment below to access a digital version of this survey, and return it to our office as soon as possible!
CMO Opportunity: Basic Animal Control Concepts & Investigations
Basic Animal Control Concepts & Investigations
July 29, 2021 – Hattiesburg, MS
Forrest County Extension 952 Sullivan Drive, Hattiesburg, Mississippi 39401
MML members will receive 2 CMO elective credits for attending. Please contact the MML office after the class to let us know you attended to receive your credits.
Registration is $50. Please register by clicking here.
State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities May 2021
12 funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
DotGov (.gov) Domain Now Free For State/Local Governments
Recent updates to the DotGov internet domain administration will ease accessibility for eligible Mississippi citizens and businesses. The top-level domain is now administered by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), a change implemented and required under the DotGov Act. DotGov is now being offered at no cost to qualified agencies from now until the end of Fiscal Year 2021.
CMO Opportunity: Trees and the Law Virtual Series
This three-part virtual series will familiarize audiences with key legal concepts associated with managing urban trees from various professional perspectives, including commercial, consulting and municipal forest management.
May 27 at 12:00 pm
Introduction to Key Legal concepts in the Mgmt. of Urban Trees
June 3 at 12:00 pm
Consulting Arboriculture: Reducing Your Exposure to Liability
June 17 at 12:00 pm
Municipal Arboriculture: Minimizing your Community’s Legal Exposure
Each of these webinars is free and will provide MML members with 2 CMO elective credits for attending, for a total of 6 potential CMO elective credits.
Contact the MML office to let us know if you take one of these classes so that we can give you your credits!
Click here for full details on how to attend these virtual webinars!
State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities April 2021
13 funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
CMO Opportunity: True South Basic Economic Development Course 2021
True South Basic Economic Development Course
September 20-23, 2021
MML members will receive 4 CMO elective credits for attending.
U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg Announces Availability of $1 Billion to Modernize and Create New American Infrastructure
The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has published a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to apply for $1 billion in Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 discretionary grant funding through the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grants. RAISE, formerly known as BUILD and TIGER, has awarded over $8.935 billion in grants to projects in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico since 2009.
To provide technical assistance to prospective applicants, DOT is hosting a series of webinars during the FY 2021 RAISE grant application process. To register for the webinars visit The deadline to submit an application is July 12, 2021 at 5pm Eastern.
CMO Opportunity: Public Administrators and Food Security: A Path to Healthy, Vibrant Mississippi Communities
CMO Opportunity: Public Administrators and Food Security: A Path to Healthy, Vibrant Mississippi Communities
The MS State University Extension Center invites you to join them on May 4, 2021, from 9:30am - 3:30pm for a day of learning, fellowship and service.
The session will be hosted at The Mill Conference Center in Starkville, MS.
MML members will receive 2 CMO elective credits for attending.
For additional questions or assistance with the registration process, contact Angie Gainey, Program Manager, Mississippi Public Health Institute at or 601.938.2271.
CMO Opportunity: MML Webinar - Census of Governments
The Census of Governments is the only comprehensive source of uniform statistics on economic activity of State and Local Governments. During this webinar, Census Bureau experts will provide an overview of the Census of Governments and its components. Additionally, it will help you understand the importance of and the practical uses of these data and help you learn about the available resources and data tools.
Presented by: Raemeka Mayo, Assistant Division Chief, Public Sector Programs, Economy-Wide Statistics Division, U.S. Census Bureau; Leatha M. Lamison White, CENSUS/OCIA FED, U.S. Census Bureau; Bernard L. Bundy, Jr., CENSUS/GEO FED, U.S. Census Bureau
MML members will receive 3 CMO elective credits for attending. Cost to attend is $25.
State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities March 2021
14 funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
CMO Opportunity: Free Virtual Mississippi Utility ICS/NIMS Training
This one-day virtual Incident Command System (ICS) and National Incident Management System (NIMS) workshop, which is sponsored by the EPA Water Security Division, will help Mississippi water and wastewater utilities, as well as their response partners to better understand ICS, integrate with other first responders within an expanding ICS structure, and implement NIMS concepts and principles that will help utilities provide mutual aid and assistance to one another.
MML members will receive 2 CMO elective credits for attending. Please contact the MML office to let us know if you attended this event.
CMO Opportunity: Government Finance Officers Association's 1st Annual Federal Funds Fair
1st Annual Federal Funds Fair
March 22 and 24, 2021
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm (Eastern), both days
8 CPE Credits / 2 MML CMO Credits
Contact the MML office to let us know you attended this event to receive your credits!
Join offices under the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Interior, Department of Commerce, and more federal agencies issuing federal funds to state and local governments at GFOA’s 1st Annual Federal Funds Fair. Attendees will get the opportunity to become familiar with different programs that could benefit their communities.
CMO Opportunity: Spring Into Flood Prep Webinar
Please join FEMA's Region 4 for its March webinar, Spring Into Flood Prep, to learn what to do before, during and after a flood.
The webinar will be held March 17, 2021 at 11am.
MML members will receive 2 CMO elective credits for attending this webinar. Please let the MML office know if you attend this to receive your credits.
Flooding is the most common natural disaster, yet it is typically not covered by homeowners or renters insurance. knowing what to do before, during and after a flood can help you bridge the gap!
In this workshop, participants will learn about flood zones and risk, how to prevent flood damage, who can purchase flood insurance, how to navigate the claims process and more.
CMO Opportunity: FloodWise Communities Informational Webinars
NLC has partnered with FloodWise Communities to help get the word out about this incredible opportunity: NO COST vulnerability assessments for communities in Gulf Coast states that are 100 miles or less from the coast. Please read this blog we recently published for more details.
FloodWise Communities is a National Academy of Sciences Gulf Research Program project funded to partner with TX, LA, AL, MS and FL communities to complete tailored stormwater system vulnerability assessments at no cost.
There are two upcoming informational webinars for FloodWise Communities taking place – one is this Thursday, March 4th from 12:00 pm -1:00 pm and the last one will be on Thursday, March 25th from 11:00 am - 12:00 pm CT!
To register, please visit or click the dates and times above.
By attending one of these webinars, MML members will receive 2 CMO electives. Please let the MML office know which webinar you participated in.
February State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities
9 funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
CMO Opportunity: MS Main Street Association Design Training
The Mississippi Main Street Association is hosting its Design Training webinar on Friday, March 5, 2021 via Zoom webinar.
Cost to attend is $25, and participants will receive 2 CMO elective credits from MML.
Click the link below to register or download the attached flyer for full details on the session.
December State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities
18 funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
2022 Mississippi Municipal Excellence Awards
The Mississippi Municipal League Excellence Awards program recognizes cities and towns for meeting the challenges of municipal government through innovative problem solving, excellence in management, citizen participation and striving to provide a higher level of service. Each year, awards are given in the areas of public safety, planning and economic development and city spirit. Winners are chosen by a committee of judges outside of the MML and are recognized at the MML Annual Conference.
MML Webinars - Virtual CMO Opportunities
These webinars have been recorded and are available on-demand for those that might have missed the registration deadlines.
To register for any of the following webinars, please complete the attached registration form and return to the MML office to receive the appropriate access links.
November State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities
19 funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
Initiative 65 Documents
Click here to download the JPEG version of the op-ed written by Mayor Billy Hewes.
October State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities
17 funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
September State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities
17 funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
August State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities
17 funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
MML Virtual Vendor Showcase
MML is proud to present its 2020 Virtual Vendor Showcase! Due to the conditions and limitations created by COVID-19, MML has had to cancel its remaining 2020 events. However, we still wanted an opportunity to remind our members about the products, services and expertise available through our Associate Members and those companies that normally participate in our Annual Conference & Expo Show.
As your community faces unique opportunities, look to these companies for solutions in their various areas of expertise!
Click here to download the Virtual Vendor Showcase Guide, or click the "Download Attachment" link below.
Keep in mind! You can click the names of the companies listed in this guide to be linked to the specific timestamp that their video starts.
View all of MML's Associate Members by clicking here.
MS Urban Forest Council - Scenic Communities
The Mississippi Urban Forest Council and the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality have partnered to create a new program to help you and your community. The program is the “Scenic Communities of Mississippi” and provides very valuable education and information for you to enhance your community. Scenic Communities are those that strive for sound management of natural resources to enhance your community and provide social, environmental, and economic benefits to your citizens and visitors. Topics such as parks, trails, clean water and air, trees, gardens, landscapes, litter, recycling, crime, water management, and other projects related to natural resources are included in the program.
You are invited to attend a free training online through Zoom for a complete review of the program, how to become a Scenic Community and what are the benefits to you and your citizens.
Please register with the link below and attend this free important information. If you can’t attend, we suggest you delegate someone to participate so you do not miss this opportunity. It may not be repeated.
“Scenic Communities of Mississippi” Zoom class is August 27, 2002 at 10:00AM.
Register with this link:
Click here to learn more information about the MS Urban Forest Council and Scenic Communities.
MS Forestry Commission Urban & Community Forestry Grant - Waived Match Opportunity
Due to economic difficulties brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Mississippi Forestry Commission is seeking to further assist communities in the state by waiving the requirement for local match for the 2020 Urban & Community Forestry Grant. While not required, proposals which include matching contributions from the local community (grantee) may potentially be more competitive for the awarding of funds.
The Urban & Community Forestry Grant Program was created to aid in the development of long-term, self-sustaining urban and community forestry programs. In a typical grant year, funds are available on a 50 percent federal/50 percent non-federal matching basis through competitive grant proposals. Funds may be awarded to units of local government, non-profit organizations, or educational institutions. The 2020 Proposal Information Package is attached, and applications are due August 15, 2020.
July State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities
13 funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
2020 Virtual Vendor Showcase
This year, MML is excited to announce a brand new service available for our Associate Members and exhibitors: the Virtual Vendor Showcase.
Participating vendors may submit a 1-minute video outlining their products/services. All videos will be assembled into the Virtual Vendors Showcase and distributed to all 289 MML member municipalities across the state.
Along with the video, MML will provide a Virtual Vendor Showcase Guide to help viewers navigate to specific companies and/or products and services that they are in the market for during any given point of time.
MML will instruct our municipalities to share this Virtual Vendors Showcase with every municipal department: police, fire, public works, water systems, IT, airports, animal control, parking, parks and recreation, finance, human resources, mapping, recycling and trash services, utilities, etc. This will provide access to every municipal department in ALL of MML's 289 member municipalities across Mississippi!
Cost to participate in the Virtual Vendor Showcase is:
- $200 for Associate Members
- $300 for non-members
State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities June
15 funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
2020 Mississippi Census - Social Media Toolkit
MML has created a social media toolkit for the 2020 Census. This toolkit contains five social media graphics and sample text that can be customized to go along with each post. We've also created a Facebook header graphic if you'd like to use it on your municipality's Facebook page as a reminder to all citizens to complete the 2020 Census.
Grant Writing USA Live Zoom Class - CMO OPPORTUNITY
Join an all-star host committee for this Central and Eastern States two-day grant management training delivered live via Zoom with replay available. |
June 18-19, 2020 MML MEMBERS WILL RECEIVE 3 CMO ELECTIVE CREDITS FOR ATTENDING THIS CLASS. Attend this class and you'll learn how to stay in compliance with existing and new Federal grants regulations and rules including US Treasury's recent guidance on the $150 billion Coronavirus Relief Fund. Dates for this live event not good for you? No problem - register and enjoy on-demand replay anytime through July 18, 2020. Full details and registration are here. |
State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities (May)
18 funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities (April)
22 funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
Deadlines Approaching for Solid Waste Assistance Grants
Deadlines for Mississippi local governments to apply for MDEQ’s competitive and non-competitive solid waste assistance grants are April 1 (for competitive grants) and April 30 (for non-competitive grants to county governments). The competitive grant funds are available for municipalities, counties, regional solid waste management authorities, and other multi-county entities. MDEQ awarded over $775,000 in competitive grants during the October 2019 fall grant cycle. Applications for noncompetitive grant funds are available for counties only for an annual allocated amount based on the county's state aid road mileage formula.
The MDEQ solid waste grants may be used for various types of solid waste projects and programs including clean-up of unauthorized dumps; establishment of a collection programs for white goods or other bulky wastes; support for recycling and waste reduction programs, public education campaigns on solid waste and recycling; salary support for local solid waste enforcement officers; and, household hazardous waste collection programs. For more information or to request a grant application, interested local governments should contact Taaka Scott Bailey or Tonisha Rogers at 601-961-5171.
State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities (February)
16 funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
USDA Seeks Applications to Increase Rural Access to Education, Training and Health Care
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) State Director for Rural Development John Rounsaville today announced that USDA is accepting applications for grants to help increase access to education, training and health care resources in rural communities.
USDA is making $71.7 million in grants available under the Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grant program. This program helps rural communities use telecommunications-based audio and video equipment to connect teachers, students, medical providers and rural residents with each other and the world.
Applicants in rural areas of 20,000 people or less who provide education or health care services through telecommunications facilities are eligible to apply. Applications will be scored, reviewed and selected on a competitive basis.
USDA Announces Second Round of Rural High-Speed Broadband Funding
USDA Announces Second Round of Rural High-Speed Broadband Funding
ReConnect Pilot Program Funding Available to Increase Rural e-Connectivity in Mississippi
State Director for Rural Development John Rounsaville announced that approximately $550 million in funding for rural high-speed broadband projects under round two of the Rural eConnectivity Pilot Program (ReConnect Program) is set to open Jan. 31 and close on March 16.
Cybercrime Support Network
The Cybercrime Security Network (CSN) is a non-profit organization funded in Mississippi through a MS VOCA (victims of crime act) grant and partnered with the United Way - Capital City. CSN's mission is to provide victims of cybercrime a resource to help report cybercrimes correctly as well as to help track and record data of these crimes for law enforcement agencies. CSN believes that reporting cybercrime isn't just beneficial for the victim; being able to track these crimes makes our whole society more resilient. The more national reporting data that we have around this, the higher chance law enforcement has to catch the criminals and also to decrease cybercrime in general. Due to this, CSN has partnered with Mississippi State University's National Strategic Planning and Analysis Research Center (NSPARC) to develop data gathering and sharing services, including building a national reporting form.
Spring 2020 CMO Elective Evening Classes
In conjunction with the MS State University Extension Service Center for Government & Community Development, MML is excited to announce the upcoming CMO opportunity that will be traveling to a location near you this spring!
The class, "FEMA ICS 402: Incident Command Overview for Elected Officials”, will be held at night and will include dinner, allowing an alternative time frame to receive CMO credits for those who have day-time duties that prohibit them from attending some of our other CMO opportunities that are usually held primarily during the day.
MML members will receive three CMO elective credits for attending any one of these classes.
Please see the attached registration form for details including registration deadlines, fees, and locations that the class will be offered.
Small Town Podcast: Call for Video Applications
Announcing Small Town Podcast:
Featuring Mississippi Municipalities with Populations of 5,000 or Less
Call for Video Applications
The Mississippi Municipal League is collaborating with the creator and host of Small Town Podcast, Mayor Matt Seale of Oscilla, GA, to create five episodes of a podcast, each highlighting one of Mississippi’s unique cities, towns, and villages with populations of 5,000 or less.
The League is now accepting video applications from any MML member municipality with a population of 5,000 or less that would like to be featured in one of the episodes. Video submissions should be no longer than 3 minutes and should explain why your municipality should be featured in a podcast.
Applications will be judged on the content of your video, not the production quality. A cell phone video is an easy way to submit an application. Applications will be reviewed by an independent committee.
To listen to the current Small Town Podcast, download it for free on the Apple Podcasts app or Google Play. You can also visit the website and listen to a sample at
Click below to read more or to download the informational flyer with full details!
2020 Census Information
The Census 2020 Mississippi Complete Count Committee has released some fast-fact sheets as they continue to encourage all local officials to ensure that everyone is counted and accounted for in the State of Mississippi. Click here to download these informational sheets!
2019 Municipal Salary Survey
The Stennis Institute of Government and Community Development at MS State University has released its 2019 Biennial Municipal Salary Survey.
Whether you are looking to formulate your next budget, inquiring about comparable salaries, or interested in developing a compensation plan for your city/county, this is the State’s PREMIER source of data.
Mississippi Main Street Organization Training - CMO Opportunity
Friday, January 31, 2020
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The Alluvian Hotel
318 Howard Street
Greenwood, MS
State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities (November)
21 funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
LeadersLink Tommy Longo Disaster Leadership Award
LeadersLink is establishing an annual nationwide award to recognize an elected official at the city or county level whose efforts have enabled his or her community to recover successfully from a disaster. It is named in honor of LeadersLink’s first disaster mentor, former Waveland, Mississippi Mayor Tommy Longo, who passed away in March and spent years coaching communities around the country through the disaster recovery process.
Any individual elected to office at the city or county level of a community that suffered physical damage following a disaster sometime in the past 10 years.
Completed nomination forms should be emailed to by February 29, 2020.
Download the flyer and application below!
Speaker’s Commission Summit Series #3 Turning Brain Drain into Brain Gain: Retaining Mississippi's Talent
Speaker’s Commission Summit Series #3
Turning Brain Drain into Brain Gain: Retaining Mississippi's Talent
During this half-day summit, national and local experts will address the issue of graduates leaving Mississippi and taking their talent elsewhere, the effect on the state’s economy, and highlight models that have worked elsewhere. After a series of presentations, participants will have the opportunity for dialogue during roundtable discussions focused on addressing Mississippi’s Brain Drain issue.
Date and Time
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
8:30 AM – 2:00 PM
MML members will receive 2 CMO Elective Credits for attending!
FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grants Application Period Now Open
On September 30, FEMA opened the Hazard Mitigation Assistance competitive grant programs application period. This funding assists state, local, tribal, and territorial governments to reduce disaster losses and protect life and property from future disaster damages.
Mississippi Rural Broadband Workshop - CMO Opportunity
Join local broadband stakeholders to learn about digital applications, broadband solutions and Federal and State grant and loan programs. These workshops are designed to inform and engage civic leaders, businesses, and community champions, and ultimately help reshape our communities and drive rural prosperity. This is a free event, but space is limited. Please register by October 16th.
MML members will receive 2 CMO Elective Credits for attending either workshop.
Choose your location:
Click here to register for the RAYMOND WORKSHOP.
Click here to register for the VERONA WORKSHOP.
If you have any questions, please call to speak with Justin Wilkes at (601) 965-4316.
MS Urban Forestry Council Annual Conference “Making and Sustaining Livable Communities” - CMO Opportunity
The MS Urban Forestry Council invites you to attend its 32nd Annual Conference on November 7 - 8, 2019 at the Magnolia Civic Center in New Albany, MS.
This event is focused on "Making and Sustaining Livable Communities' Featuring great topics and speakers to help make your community more livable:
• Promoting livability with Comprehensive plans and ordinances
• Tree and landscape ordinances
• Making businesses and citizens partners in urban forestry
• Pollinators for Communities and Farms
• Water Quality, Urban Farming
Host hotel – Hampton Inn New Albany
Book by October 23 to get the special conference rate of $94.00 plus tax.
Click the link below for a full agenda and registration information!
Register by October 23rd. Farmers get a special discount!
Delta State University Local Government Leadership Institute - September 2019 Training - CMO Opportunity
Earn 2 CMO Elective Credits by attending Delta State University's Local Government Leadership Institute's September 2019 Training!
When: September 26, 2019 @ 12pm - 2pm
Location: Delta State University
Center for Community and Economic Development
1417 College Street
Cleveland, MS 38733
Topic: “The Basics of Economic Development and Industry Recruitment and the Role Local Officials Play”
Download the attached flyer for full details and registration information!
State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities (September)
15 funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
2019 Forum on American Enterprise: When I’m 65 conference - CMO Opportunity
Mayoral Health Council Toolkit Training - CMO Opportunity
The Jackson Heart Study Community Engagement Center has been working to create healthier cities and towns through the establishment of Mayoral Health Councils. Training is now available. There is no cost, but registration is required for participation.
Friday, September 20, 2019
8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Lunch Provided
Download the attached document for a full flyer, registration form, and draft agenda!
MML members will receive two CMO Elective Credits for attending.
Hazard Mitigation Assistance Program Grants for Fiscal Year 2019
FEMA is announcing $410 million in funding is available through two Fiscal Year 2019 Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) grant programs: Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) and Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM). These competitive grant programs assist state, tribal, territorial, and local governments in building a culture of preparedness by strengthening our nation’s ability to reduce disaster losses and protect life and property from future disaster damages.
Partnership for Safe Water - CMO Opportunity
Optimize Performance & Access Funding to Improve Small System Operations
For more than 20 years, AWWA and the Partnership for Safe Water have helped large, medium and small-sized utilities learn how to operate efficiently with comprehensive programs designed by utilities, for utilities. Now, AWWA Sections, the Partnership, and USDA bring the same insights and guidance to small systems across the U.S. and in the Alabama-Mississippi Section AWWA to help optimize operations.
At the heart of the Partnership is the self-assessment process. Utilities have effectively used self-assessments to identify needs and performance-limiting factors. These needs are then addressed in the form of an action plan that aids in the continuous improvement effort towards optimized operations. Attend this introductory workshop to learn how supervisors and operators can access USDA improvement funds, and how the Partnership helps utilities optimize systems today and in the future.
Alabama-Mississippi AWWA Section
Partnership for Small Systems/USDA
Optimization Workshop: Cleveland, MS
Mississippi State University | Tuesday, October 29th
8:30am - 3:30pm
Mississippi State University Extension Office in Bolivar County
406 North Martin Luther King Drive
Cleveland, MS
*CEUs have been applied for with the MS Department of Health
*Lunch & refreshments will be provided, sponsored by Alabama-Mississippi Section AWWA
MML members will receive 2 CMO elective credits for attending.
Register with Lindsay Wright at
State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities (August)
Twelve funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency. For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided below.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
2020 All-America City Awards
The National Civic League is looking for communities with community-driven projects that demonstrate inclusive decision-making processes to enhance health and well-being for all. With the National Civic League’s Co-Title Sponsors, Kaiser Permanente and Well Being Trust, the 2020 Awards reflect the concept that good health for the entire community requires a focus on mental, physical, spiritual, cultural and economic well-being.
MIMA Municipal Reporting Worksheets
During the 2018 First Extraordinary Session, House Bill 1 was passed creating the Mississippi Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2018. This act created a Special Fund to assist municipalities in paying cost associated with repair, maintenance and/or reconstruction of roads, streets and bridges and also with repair, maintenance and/or other improvements to water and sewer infrastructure. In order for a municipality to participate in the allocation of these funds they must complete the following two forms, which are also available on the MS Office of the State Auditor's website.
Fall 2019 CMO Evening Classes: The Basics of Starting a Small Business & How Local Officials Can Help
In conjunction with the MS State University Extension Service Center for Government & Community Development, MML is excited to announce the upcoming CMO opportunity that will be traveling to a location near you this fall!
The class, "The Basics of Starting a Small Business & How Local Officials Can Help”, will be held at night and will include dinner, allowing an alternative time frame to receive CMO credits for those who have day-time duties that prohibit them from attending some of our other CMO opportunities that are usually held primarily during the day.
Please see the attached registration form for details including registration deadlines, fees, and locations that the class will be offered.
2019 MML/PDDs Legislative Planning Regional Meetings
MML is excited to announce our upcoming Legislative Planning Regional Meetings that will be hosted in conjunction with our Planning and Development Districts across the state.
Click the attachment below to see the full list of times, dates, and locations for each of the 11 upcoming meetings.
Destination Downtown 2019 - 3 CMO Elective Credits
September 11 - 13, 2019
Columbia Theatre for the Performing Arts
220 East Thomas Street
Hammond, LA 70401
Destination Downtown is a regional conference sponsored by Louisiana Main Street, Mississippi Main Street Association and Main Street Arkansas, attracting more than 200 professionals in preservation-based commercial district revitalization, including new and experienced downtown and neighborhood Main Street directors, board members, architects, planners, economic development professionals, public officials, volunteers and consultants. Attendees hail from communities of all sizes, from small rural towns to neighborhood commercial districts in larger cities across the states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Arkansas.
Click here for full details and registration information!
MML members will receive 3 CMO elective credits for attending!
MDA WEBINAR: “Financing Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Projects for the Public and Private Sector”
WEBINAR: “Financing Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Projects for the Public and Private Sector”
Thursday, June 13, 2019 | 11 am – 12 pm CST
Mississippi Development Authority | Energy & Natural Resources Division
The Mississippi Development Authority’s ENRD, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, invites you to join us on Thursday, June 13, 2019, to learn more about how an investment in energy efficiency will maximize benefits and reduce energy-related costs in your organization. USDA/Rural Development will discuss programs available for funding energy efficiency improvements and/or installing renewable energy equipment in your business or agricultural operation. “Financing Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Projects for the Public and Private Sector” webinar will begin at 11 a.m. and will focus on long-term financing solutions for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects.
Following the presentation, we will offer an opportunity for questions and answers, as well as a brief survey to help us better identify your needs.
The presentation will be approximately one hour in length, and we offer it at no charge via the Intermedia AnyMeeting web conferencing platform.
MS Main Street: Economic Vitality Summit - 2 CMO Elective Credits
Economic Vitality Summit
June 11-13, 2019
June 11: Olde Towne Depot in Clinton
June 12: Anderson Hall at Mississippi College in Clinton
June 13: William Winter Archives & History Building in Jackson
The Economic Vitality Summit is geared to professionals in preservation-based historic commercial district revitalization, including new and experienced downtown and neighborhood Main Street directors, board members, architects (approved for Continuing Education credits), planners, economic development professionals, public officials, volunteers, and consultants. The Summit is applicable to communities of all sizes from small rural towns to urban neighborhoods in large cities.
$100 to attend. Register Here by May 31st.
We hope you will join MMSA as we celebrate our 35th year of developing Mississippi’s Downtowns!
MML members will receive 2 CMO Elective Credits for attending this event.
MS Recycling Coalition's 2019 Annual Fall Recycling Conference - CMO Opportunity
The Mississippi Recycling Coalition Presents: MRC’s 2019 Annual Fall Recycling Conference
October 29-30, 2019 • Oxford Conference Center • Oxford, MS
MML members will receive 2 CMO Elective Credits for attending!
Mark your Calendars for October 29th-30th (Tuesday and Wednesday) for MRC’s 2019 Fall Recycling Conference in one of Mississippi’s most historic and beautiful communities, the City of Oxford. Oxford is frequently recognized for being the home of William Faulkner and for the City’s exceptional dining experiences, beautiful green spaces and long-standing commitment to growing recycling. Plan to join us for informative sessions and networking opportunities with the state’s recycling community at Oxford Conference Center at 102 Ed Perry Blvd.
Registration information will be available in the coming weeks, but put these dates on your calendar now so you won’t miss out on this important recycling conference!
Click the attached flyer for details or visit!
2019 True South: Basic Economic Development Course - CMO Opportunity
2019 True South: Basic Economic Development Course
September 23 - 26, 2019
Trent Lott National Center
This is an introductory course exposing participants to the fundamentals and practice of creating jobs, increasing wealth, improving the tax base and enhancing a community’s quality-of-life, the first step in pursuing professional certification.
FEE: the four-day course is $650 or can be taken for graduate credit through the Southern Miss Master of Science in Economic Development Program.
Early bird registration is $600 if registered and paid before July 15. Scholarships are available.
MML Members will receive 4 CMO Elective Credits for attending!
For more information on the program details, please contact:
MS Heritage Trust Preservation Toolkit Workshop - April 10th - 12th
Join the Mississippi Heritage Trust on April 10th - 12th for a workshop on the fundamental principles of historic preservation and real estate finance.
The workshop will take place at the Lowry House in Jackson, MS.
Click below for full details on this event!
Delta State University Local Government Leadership Institute - April 2019 Training - CMO Opportunity
Earn 2 CMO Elective Credits by attending Delta State University's Local Government Leadership Institute's April 2019 Training!
When: April 11 @ 12pm - 2pm
Location: Delta State University
Center for Community and Economic Development
1417 College Street
Cleveland, MS 38733
Guest Presenter: Dr. Joe Fratesi, Program Director, John C. Stennis Institute of Government & Community Development
Topic: “Local Economic Development”
Download the attached flyer for full details and registration information!
Mississippi | Financial Management for Small Water Systems: Planning for the Next 5 Years and Beyond
Mississippi | Financial Management for Small Water Systems: Planning for the Next 5 Years and Beyond
Date: April 24, 2019
Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm
Location: MSU Coastal Research and Extension Center
1815 Popps Ferry Road - Biloxi
MML members will receive 2 CMO Elective Credits for attending.
Demand Driven Education: Matching Mississippians with Real Job Opportunities
Speaker’s Commission Summit Series #2
Demand Driven Education: Matching Mississippians with Real Job Opportunities
April 16, 2019
Jackson, MS
8am - 2pm
YOU ARE INVITED: Come hear about a Mississippi-made model for success and other public policy considerations in workforce development. The Speaker's Commission on Public Policy is hosting its second policy forum on April 16, led by Speaker of the Mississippi House of Representatives Philip Gunn. Register now for this FREE event to reserve your spot!
Rural eConnectivity Toolkit Now Available
Rural communities can now make a connection with USDA and federal resources available to assist in their area's eConnectivity development.
This toolkit presents USDA resources that support e-Connectivity and aims to help customers navigate the agencies within the USDA to find the opportunity that best fulfills their need. From grants and loans, to partnerships and in-person consultations, USDA can support a wide variety of project types for a diversity of customers. While the resources included in this toolkit can directly support broadband infrastructure growth, research and technology access, it should not be used as a comprehensive guide for all USDA resources that can indirectly promote the use of broadband technology.
The Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 SAFER Grant application period is now open and will close on Friday, March 22 at 5:00 p.m. ET. We recommend that you start your application today by reviewing the FY 2018 SAFER Application Technical Assistance Tools. These tools were produced specifically to help potential applicants plan their FY 2018 SAFER applications.
State, Local and Tribal Energy - Funding Opportunities
Sixteen funding and technical assistance opportunities are available for state, local, and tribal governments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), and others that can be used to support climate and energy initiatives, including economic development, sustainable communities, green infrastructure, and water efficiency.
For full eligibility and application details, please visit the links provided on the attached document.
In addition, please visit EPA’s Grants website for further grant opportunities, guidance on how to apply, and training.
Grants Training in Gautier, MS - CMO Opportunity
Grants Training in Gautier, MS
March 21-22, 2019
The City of Gautier and Grant Writing USA will present a two-day grants workshop in Gautier, March 21-22, 2019. This training is applicable to grant seekers across all disciplines. Attend this class and you'll learn how to find grants and write winning grant proposals.
MML will offer attendees 2 CMO Elective Credits for attending this two-day workshop.
Spring 2019 CMO Evening Classes - "Elected Officials Role in Economic Success”
In conjunction with the MS State University Extension Service Center for Government & Community Development, MML is excited to announce the upcoming CMO opportunity that will be traveling to a location near you this spring!
The class, "Elected Officials Role in Economic Success”, will be held at night and will include dinner, allowing an alternative time frame to receive CMO credits for those who have day-time duties that prohibit them from attending some of our other CMO opportunities that are usually held primarily during the day.
Please see the attached registration form for details including registration deadlines, fees, and locations that the class will be offered.
MDA Webinar: Energy Efficiency Financing for Public Sector Projects
WEBINAR: Energy Efficiency Financing for Public Sector Projects
Tuesday, January 15, 2019 | 11 am – 12 pm CST
Mississippi Development Authority | Energy & Natural Resources Division
The seminar will focus on long-term financing solutions for energy efficiency projects at your organization. Learn more about how an investment in energy efficiency will maximize benefits and reduce energy-related costs. The goal of the Energy & Natural Resources Division is to offer information on flexible financing options for all types of energy efficiency projects.
2020 Mississippi Municipal Excellence Awards
The Mississippi Municipal League Excellence Awards program recognizes cities and towns for meeting the challenges of municipal government through innovative problem solving, excellence in management, citizen participation and striving to provide a higher level of service. Each year, awards are given in the areas of public safety, planning and economic development and city spirit. Winners are chosen by a committee of judges outside of the MML and are recognized at the MML Annual Conference.
Mayoral Health Council Toolkit Training - 2 CMO Elective Credits
The MS Delta Health Collaborative invites you to attend
Mayoral Health Council Toolkit Training
November 28, 2018
8:30am – 4:30pm (Lunch provided)
The training will be held at the BB King Museum & Delta Interpretive Center located at 400 2nd St, Indianola, MS 38751.
Healthy, thriving citizens are the key to success for not only cities and towns but the state as a whole. Every citizen successfully encouraged to be more active and every child taught to choose healthy foods is progress in addressing long-term health issues. To this end, the Mississippi State Department of Health’s Office of Preventive Health has been working to create healthier cities and towns through the establishment of Mayoral Health Councils. Training is now avail-able. There is no cost but please register.
MML members will receive 2 CMO elective credits for attending.
Click here for additional information and registration instructions!
Earn 2 CMO Elective Credits: Attend “Changes and Challenges in Law Enforcement" Workshop
Local Government Solutions and Strategies invites you to attend a "Changes and Challenges in Law Enforcement"
Thursday, November 8, 2018
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Roosevelt State Park
2149 Highway 13
Morton, Mississippi
Click below for more information!
Earn 2 CMO Elective Credits - Attend the 31st Urban Forestry Conference and Celebration of Trees Awards
Join the MS Urban Forest Council for the 31st Urban Forestry Conference and Celebration of Trees Awards!
Landscapes for Healthy Community, Home, Farm or Business
November 1 & 2, 2018
MS Craft Center
Ridgeland, MS
Attendees will earn 2 CMO elective credits.
View the attached document for details including registration information and a conference agenda!
NEMCC Leadership Consortium - Earn 4 CMO Elective Credits
Earn 4 CMO Elective Credits by attending these classes offered by the North East MS Community College!
The NEMCC Workforce Division has a new round of leadership training beginning in October at the Booneville Campus. The workshop consists of five classes meeting on October 23 & 30; November 6, 13, and 27 from 8:30am until 12:30pm. Cost is $200 per person.
Click here for more information (and to register)!
Read more details by clicking the "Read More" link below!
Delta State University Local Government Leadership Institute - March 2019 Training - CMO Opportunity
Earn 2 CMO Elective Credits by attending Delta State University's Local Government Leadership Institute's March 2019 Training!
When: March 25 @ 9am - 1pm
Location: Delta State University
Bologna Performing Arts Center
1003 W. Sunflower Road Street Cleveland, MS 38733
Guest Presenters: P. Edward French, Ph.D., Professor & Department Chair, Department of Political Science & Public Policy, MSU
Topic: “Small Towns, Big Issues: Managing Your Local Human Resources”
Download the attached flyer for full details and registration information!
Mississippi: A Roadblock to Human Trafficking - CMO OPPORTUNITY
In preparation for the state’s 2019 legislative session, the Summit Series kicks off on October 3, 2018, with “Mississippi: A Roadblock to Human Trafficking.” This summit will provide an in-depth and multi-dimensional look at human trafficking from the I-10 corridor to Mississippi’s backroads.
MML members will receive 2 CMO Elective Credits for attending this event!
Click the link below to read more details and registration information!
CMO Opportunity: True South Basic Economic Development Course
Join The University of Southern Mississippi's Trent Lott National Center for their upcoming True South Basic Economic Development Course.
September 17 - 20, 2018
Times: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Daily
Fall 2018 CMO Evening Classes - Open Meetings and Public Records
In conjunction with the MS State University Extension Service Center for Government & Community Development, MML is excited to announce the upcoming CMO opportunity that will be traveling to a location near you this fall!
The class, Open Meetings and Public Records, will be held at night and will include dinner, allowing an alternative time frame to receive CMO credits for those who have day-time duties that prohibit them from attending some of our other CMO opportunities that are usually held primarily during the day.
Please see the attached registration form for details including registration deadlines, fees, and locations that the class will be offered.
Join MDA - Energy & Natural Resources Division for a webinar on Financing Energy Efficiency Projects!
Wednesday, August 23, 2018 | 11 am – 12 pm CST
Mississippi Development Authority | Energy & Natural Resources Division
The seminar will focus on long-term financing solutions for energy efficiency projects at your organization. Learn more about how an investment in energy efficiency will maximize benefits and reduce energy-related costs. The goal of the Energy & Natural Resources Division is to offer information on flexible financing options for all types of energy efficiency projects.
"Balance the Scales with Internet Sales" - A Tool Kit for Municipal Officials
With the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling, South Dakota v. Wayfair, states are now allowed to tax internet sales for companies without a nexus in the state. With this result, there will be a significant increase in use/internet sales tax collected by the State of Mississippi. We believe that this revenue needs to be shared with our cities and towns.
We have created a tool kit with various items your city can use to encourage state legislators to include meaningful funding for cities and towns in any legislation for infrastructure funding that might be considered during a special session. Among other items in this tool kit, you will find a sample resolution template that you can use at your town's next board meeting to formally announce your support of this campaign!
Click below for all of the items you'll need to get started!
2018 MML/PDD's Legislative Planning Meetings
This fall, the MML will be teaming up with the PDDs across the state to host the 2018 Regional Legislative Planning Meetings. Click here to view the list of dates and times that the meetings will be held.
Please note that several of the meetings have been altered from their original date due to our expectation of a special legislative session being called at the Capitol during the third week of August. Be sure to look at this new schedule to make sure you know when and where your PDD is holding its meeting.
MML members will receive 3 CMO Elective Credits for attending and one of the 2018 Regional Legislative Planning Meetings, and 1 additional CMO Elective Credit will be given if the MML member brings his/her legislator to the meeting.
We hope make plans to join us at the meeting closest to you as we begin to plan our 2019 Legislative Agenda!
NLC WEBINAR: Parent-Centered Employment Strategies Can Boost Economic Mobility for Families
Please join the National League of Cities (NLC) for a webinar launching a new initiative to strengthen economic stability for families in cities through a parent-centered approach to employment strategies. The webinar, which will take place on June 6th at 3:00 pm EDT, will share information about how cities can help families succeed by targeting parents in their workforce development efforts.
Click here to register, or click the link below to learn more about the webinar!
Fire Is Everyone’s Fight™: MS Community Risk Reduction Summit - CMO OPPORTUNITY
Earn 2 CMO credits by attending the Fire Is Everyone’s Fight™: MS Community Risk Reduction Summit!
What: An overview of the fire problem in Mississippi, what we can do to change the statistics, resources to assist your efforts, and a planning session to make it a reality in Mississippi
Who should attend: Anyone who takes part in prevention activities or decision-making for those activities. i.e. career, combination, and volunteer chiefs, company officers, prevention staff, suppression personnel, elected officials, etc.
When: 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 18, 2018 (lunch is provided)
Where: MS State Fire Academy auditorium
How: Pre-register at so we can have an accurate headcount for lunch
Click the link below to view the event flyer and and tentative agenda!
Financing Energy Efficiency Projects Webinar
Mississippi Development Authority - Energy & Natural Resources Division invites you to participate in their upcoming Financing Energy Efficient Projects Webinar on Wednesday, May 23, 2018, at 10:00am!
The 1 hour seminar will focus on long-term financing solutions for energy efficiency projects at your organization. Learn more about how an investment in energy efficiency will maximize benefits and reduce energy-related costs. The goal of the Energy & Natural Resources Division is to offer information on flexible financing options for all types of energy efficiency projects.
Delta State University Local Government Leadership Institute - May 2018 Training - CMO Opportunity
Earn 2 CMO Elective Credits by attending Delta State University's Local Government Leadership Institute's May 2018 Training!
When: May 17, 2018 @ 10:00am - 3:00pm
Location: Delta State University
Center for Community And Economic Development
1417 College Street Cleveland, MS 38733
Guest Presenters: Ms. Judith Phillips, Research Associate, III, John C. Stennis Institute of Government; and Representatives from Cities United, Louisville, KY
RSVP: By May 14th @
Topic: "Community Profiles: What the Data Says About Your Community"
Download the attached flyer for full details and registration information!
MS Heritage Trust Preservation Toolkit Workshop Series - CMO Opportunity
Join the Mississippi Heritage Trust and instructors Mike Grote and Jonathan Leit with Alembic Development of New Orleans for a Preservation Toolkit Workshop to learn about the fundamental principles of historic preservation and real estate finance. Participants will learn about the legal framework of historic preservation, master basic real estate calculations, and explore how incentives like tax credits can help close the funding gap and bring historic places back to life.
**MML members who attend any one of the MS Heritage Trust Preservation Workshops will receive 2 CMO Elective Credits!**
Click below for more information on when and where the workshops will be held, or download the attached flyer for full details of this exciting opportunity, including an outlined schedule for the first workshop of the series that will be held in Greenville!
Starting a Drone Program for Public Agencies - CMO OPPORTUNITY
Interested in starting a drone program in your community? Attend the "Starting a Drone Program for Public Agencies" workshop and learn how to start a safe, legal, and successful drone program and keep it in compliance!
MML members who attend one of these workshops offered on May 8th and 9th will receive 2 CMO elective credits!
NEMCC Leadership Consortium Union County 2018 - CMO OPPORTUNITY
Register to participate in Northeast Mississippi Community College's Leadership Consortium Project of Union County!
The leadership series hones essential skills in Leadership, Communication, Resolving Conflict, Managing Complaints and Improving Employee Work Habits. These topics will provide valuable insight and experience for leaders whether you are a local official, a business owner, an industrial manager or supervisor, or in the service industry (health care or commercial). Each workshop will involve lots of interaction and sharing of experience. Registration includes all five classes for the Leadership Consortium Project of Union County.
MML members who attend all five classes will receive 4 CMO elective credits!
EPA Announces New Funding for Water Infrastructure Projects
Funding will leverage public and private investments to keep lead and other contaminants out of drinking water and upgrade aging water infrastructure
Last week, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the availability of funding that could provide as much as $5.5 billion in loans, which could leverage over $11 billion in water infrastructure projects through the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) program. Prospective borrowers seeking WIFIA credit assistance must submit a letter of interest (LOI) by July 6, 2018.
Click below for more details!
International Public Management Association for Human Resources-Southern Region Conference
The great State of Alabama welcomes the 2018 IPMA-HR Southern Region Training conference to Birmingham “The Magic City”. The three-day conference will be held at The Sheraton Birmingham Hotel May 20-23, 2018. The conference will include powerful keynote sessions, breakout sessions and networking evening events and provide you with valuable resources, products and services. For registration and information, please click here to visit the website.
MML members will receive 3 CMO Elective Credits for attending this event.
11th Annual Statewide Youth Leadership Summit Agenda
Take a look at the agenda for the 11th Annual Statewide Youth Leadership Summit! The City of Brandon will sponsor and host a Welcome Reception on the evening of Friday, March 2nd, before the Summit activities kick-off on the campus of Jackson State University, Saturday March, 3rd!
Check out the awesome classes we have lined-up, most of which will be presented by Mayors' Youth Councils from across the State! We've got an amazing keynote speaker, Miss Black Mississippi 2017 Kristy Johnson, that will speak to the youth from a unique perspective of once having been a member of a Mayor's Youth Council herself!
Don't forget to bring items for our community service drive which will be benefiting the Good Samaritan Center of Jackson!
For any questions or additional information, contact our office!
Nomination Portal for Opportunity Zone Designations Now Open
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 established Opportunity Zones as a new community development program aimed to encourage long term investments in low-income and rural communities. Private investment within a designated Opportunity Zone may earn tax relief on the capital gains generated through those investments. Tax benefits increase the longer investments are in place.
Census tracts with a poverty rate of 20 percent or greater and/or family income less than 80 percent of the area’s median income are eligible for consideration.
Each state may nominate a minimum of 25 total eligible census tracts but no more than 25% of the total number of eligible census tracts within the state. The U.S. Department of Treasury will approve the nominated census tracts and administer the Opportunity Zone Program.
This week, the Governor’s office launched a portal on the Mississippi Development Authority’s website allowing cities and counties to propose census tracts for inclusion in the nominations. Click here to access the electronic application.
States must submit Opportunity Zone applications to the United States Department of Treasury no later than March 21, 2018. Therefore, application review by the state will begin no later than March 5, 2018.
For more information regarding the Opportunity Zone program and to see if your community qualifies, click here. For more information, or if you have questions regarding the program, please email
2018 State Executive Development Institute
Nominations are now open for the 2018 State Executive Development Institute!
SEDI 2018 will be held May 6 - 11, 2018, on the campus of Mississippi State University. The State Executive Development Institute (SEDI) is an executive style, graduate level, program offered by the John C. Stennis Institute of Government and Community Development. The Institute is designed to prepare mid to upper level state and local government executives to be more effective leaders. Additionally, the SEDI may be taken for credit in the Master of Public Policy and Administration program at Mississippi State University. Additional fees and prerequisites may apply.
Application deadline is March 9, 2018.
For more information on SEDI or to be nominated, visit the website by clicking here, or call Frank Riley at 601-573-6188.
Attend the NLC Congressional City Conference!
Attend the National League of Cities' Congressional City Conference!
March 11 - 14, 2018
Washington, D.C.
Click here to visit the event website or get more information by clicking the "Read More" link below!
Spring 2018 CMO Night Class - Ad Valorem Taxation & the Municipal Budgeting Process
In conjunction with the MS State University Extension Service Center for Government & Community Development, MML is excited to announce the upcoming CMO opportunity that will be traveling to a location near you this spring!
The class, Ad Valorem Taxation & the Municipal Budgeting Process, will be held at night and will include dinner, allowing an alternative time frame to receive CMO credits for those who have day-time duties that prohibit them from attending some of our other CMO opportunities that are usually held primarily during the day.
Please see the attached registration form for details including registration deadlines, fees, and locations that the class will be offered.
2018 Mississippi Municipal Excellence Awards
Applications are now open for the 2018 Mississippi Municipal Excellence Awards!
The awards program is open to all MML members in good standing. Each municipality can submit one award application in each subject category, for a total of four applications. Entries must describe programs or projects brought to conclusion or showing significant results between May 6, 2017 and April 30, 2018.
For each project submitted, an official Municipal Excellence Award entry application must be completed. Please type or legibly print information requested on the award application. The application must be signed by the city’s chief elected or administrative officer.
Download the attached application for full details!
Mississippi Rural Water Association - 2018 Board Member Management Training
See attached file for upcoming dates that the MS Rural Water Association will be holding board member management training sessions.
Click below for more information.
MSDH Technical Assistance Grant Announcement for Smokefree Air
The Mississippi State Department of Health Office of Tobacco Control, in collaboration with the Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights Foundation, is providing technical assistance funds for local and county governments interested in educating their citizens on the benefits of smokefree air and the protections of comprehensive (smoke-, vapor-, and aerosol-free) air policies.
Municipal Government Week 2020
Mississippi Municipal Government Week will be held January 20 - 26, 2020, as a part of the League's long-term effort to increase public support for and involvement in municipal government, as well as provide a means to raise awareness of the wide range of services provided by municipalities. MML has created a tool kit for members to celebrate Municipal Government Week in each community across the state.
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